Tag: Civil War

Winfield Scott

Winfield Scott - A Stalwart of American Military History

Winfield Scott (1786-1866) WHO HE WAS: Winfield Scott was a senior United States Army officer, diplomat, and presidential candidate known for his military service in the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, and the early stages of the American Civil War. His nickname, “Old Fuss and Feathers,” underscored his penchant for military pomp and strict

Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee: A Paradoxical Figure in American History

Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) WHO HE WAS: Robert E. Lee was an American Confederate general best known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865. A top graduate of West Point, Lee’s military tactics are still studied, and he remains a controversial figure

Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant: A Commanding Presence in American History

Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) WHO HE WAS: Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th President of the United States and a commanding general during the Civil War, leading the Union Army to victory over the Confederacy. His presidency was marked by efforts to reconstruct the post-war South and enforce civil rights for freed slaves, though his

Stephen Douglas

Stephen A. Douglas, Advocate of Popular Sovereignty

Stephen Douglas (1813-1861) WHO HE WAS: Stephen Arnold Douglas was a prominent American politician from Illinois, best known for his series of debates with Abraham Lincoln during the 1858 Illinois Senate race. Douglas, often dubbed the “Little Giant” for his diminutive stature but formidable political influence, was a leading advocate for the doctrine of popular

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, portrait by Alexander Gardner

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) WHO HE WAS: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is revered as one of the nation’s most iconic leaders. Born in a log cabin and largely self-taught, Lincoln rose from humble beginnings to guide the country through the Civil War, preserving the Union and emancipating slaves. His eloquence, wisdom,

Abraham Lincoln: Second Inaugural Address

Lincoln's Second Inaugural AddressLincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Lincoln’s second inaugural address is widely acknowledged as one of the most remarkable documents in American history. The London Spectator said of it, “We cannot read it without a renewed conviction that it is the noblest political document known to history, and should have for the nation and the statesmen he left behind him something

Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg

There are five known copies of the Gettysburg Address written in Lincoln’s own handwriting. Each version has slightly different text, and are named for the people who first received them: Nicolay, Hay, Everett, Bancroft and Bliss. Two copies apparently were written before delivering the speech; one of these was probably was the reading copy. Below, we

John Hay

John Hay

John Hay (1838-1905) WHO S/HE WAS: John Hay began his political career as Abraham Lincoln’s private secretary. He went on to serve as the U.S. secretary of state for both William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. WHAT S/HE SAID: It has been a splendid little war, begun with the highest motives, carried on with magnificent intelligence

William H. Seward

William Howard Seward

William H. Seward (1801-1872) WHO S/HE WAS: William H. Seward was a statesman and politician who served as Secretary of State under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. His tenure saw the acquisition of Alaska from Russia and diplomatic efforts to prevent European intervention during the American Civil War. WHAT S/HE SAID: Arguing that California be admitted