
On This Day in the 20th Century

#OTD20 | September 17, 1939

Soviet Union Invades Poland

September 17, 1939: The Soviet Union invades Poland marking an alarming escalation of hostilities in Central Europe. 

The offensive, coming on the heels of Germany's invasion of September 1st, begins in the early morning hours. Soviet forces inform Polish frontier guards they have arrived to liberate them from the fascists, then open fire. Moscow declares the Polish government in Warsaw has "ceased to exist."

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Additional Resources

Access more information from Media Rich Learning and curated off-site sources.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Read more about the Soviet invasion at the USHMM website.

Jerusalem Post

Read an informative #OTD blog post from the Jerusalem Post.


Step back in time to experience the significant events that happened on this day in the 20th century.

September 18, 1947: The CIA is Born

#OTD20 — September 18, 1947: The Central Intelligence Agency comes into existence, authorized by National Security Act of 1947.

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Colorized photo, from original black and white, of James Meredith flanked by civil rights attorneys Constance Motley and Jack Greenberg

September 20, 1962: James Meredith Blocked at Ole Miss

#OTD20 — September20, 1962: James Meredith attempts to register at the University of Mississippi but is obstructed by Governor Ross Barnett. Barnett’s defiant act directly challenges a U.S. Supreme Court ruling and sets the stage for a federal intervention.

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Mao Zedong speaking at the podium

September 21, 1949: Mao Zedong Declares People’s Republic of China

#OTD20 — September 21, 1949: Mao Zedong makes the historic proclamation of the People’s Republic of China, transforming the balance of geopolitical power in the Cold War.

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Stylized American flag and the text 'Peace Corps' embedded on a light blue rustic metal background.

September 22, 1961: The Peace Corps is Created

#OTD20 — September 22, 1961: President Kennedy’s vision comes to life with the establishment of the Peace Corps, igniting an era of global volunteerism and outreach.

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Miners from the 1913 Colorado Coalfield War, some armed, in a colorized photo.

September 23, 1913: Colorado Coalfield War begins

#OTD20 — September 23, 1952: A strike by miners in the Colorado coalfields leads to a violent, year-long conflict known as the Colorado Coalfield War. Explore its origins, key events, and lasting impact.

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Richard Nixon on a vintage TV screen with static, delivering the Checkers speech.

September 23, 1952: Nixon’s Checkers Speech

#OTD20 — September 23, 1952: Explore the enduring legacy of Richard Nixon’s 1952 Checkers speech, a moment that changed American politics forever.

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Colorized photo of Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock Nine, walking alone through a hostile mob during the desegregation of Central High School in 1957.

September 24, 1957: Ike Orders Federal Troops into Little Rock

#OTD20 —On September 23, 1957: President Eisenhower orders federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas to ensure the integration of Central High School.

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A colorized photograph of an old and frail President Woodrow Wilson, covered in a blanket, riding in a vehicle.

September 25, 1919: Woodrow Wilson Incapacitated

#OTD20 | September 25, 1919 Woodrow Wilson’s Debilitating Stroke: A Secret Crisis in American Governance September 25, 1919: President Woodrow Wilson collapses while in Colorado, rallying public support for the League of Nations. The president is rushed back to Washington.

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Split screen TV image of the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debate, Nixon in Los Angeles and Kennedy in New York.

September 26, 1960: The First Televised Presidential Debate

#OTD20 — September 26, 1960: the first-ever televised presidential debate took place between Kennedy and Nixon, reshaping American politics and the role of television in it.

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Neville Chamberlain, in a colorized photo, raising the Munich Agreement.

September 30, 1938: Neville Chamberlain and the Munich Agreement – ‘Peace In Our Time’

#OTD20 — September 30, 1938: British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believes war with German has been averted, declaring the Munich Agreement affords “peace in our time.”

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Colorized image of Lee Harvey Oswald in handcuffs, escorted by law enforcement officers.

September 27, 1964: Warren Report — Solving or Complicating JFK’s Assassination?

#OTD20 — September 27, 1964: British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believes war with German has been averted, declaring the Munich Agreement affords “peace in our time.”

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Alexander Fleming in his laboratory examing Petri dishes.

September 28, 1928: Alexander Fleming and the Discovery of Penicillin

#OTD20 — September 28, 1928: Learn more about Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, the world’s first antibiotic and a revolutionary medical breakthrough.

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